Curriculum Vitae





PhD Computer Science, University of Southampton.

Thesis: "Secure Provenance-based Auditing of Personal Data Use"

MSc Computer Science, Network Security, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.

Thesis: "Modelado UML e implementación de los servicios de privacidad y autenticación del IEEE 802.11 usando Criptografía de Curvas Elípticas"

BSc Computer Science, Distributed Systems, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.

Thesis: "Especificación y Verificación de TCP usando SDL"

Honours and Awards

2022 - 2025




2006 - 2010

2006 - 2009

2006 - 2009


2003 - 2005


National System of Researchers - Candidate

"Mujer Inspiración", by Code 4 DEI Software Developers Community. 

Alumni Awards 2017 Finalist, Professional Achievements, British Council México, February 2017.

Researcher Links 2014” awarded by British Council to organise the Intelligent Disaster Management Workshop in collaboration with University of Southampton. This workshop brought together researchers and emergency responders from The United Kingdom, Mexico, and The Netherlands, forging partnerships that continue to this day.

CONACyT scholarship for studying a research PhD abroad

Alban scholarship for studying a research PhD on the EU

University of Southampton scholarship for studying a research PhD

Fundación Beca travel scholarship for studying a research PhD abroad 

CONACyT scholarship for studying a MSc

"La Ciencia en tus manos" scholarship granted by the BUAP to bachelor students who want to pursue a research career

Working Experience

2023 - current

2019 - current

2017 - 2019

2015 - 2017

2014 - 2015

2012 - 2014



2003 - 2005

2002 - 2003

2002 - 2003

Head of Department of Computer Engineering, School of Engineering,  UNAM

Associate Professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Regional Head of Computer Science Department, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro

Head of School of Information Technology and Electronics, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro

Associate Professor, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro

Full-time Lecturer  Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Puebla

Research Intern, TIC Thematic Network, Grand Challenge4: Security and transparency of information and services, sponsored by CONACyT

Part Time Lecturer, Universidad Tec Milenio, Mexico

Part Time Lecturer, Escuela Libre de Computación, Mexico

Part Time Lecturer, Universidad de Oriente, Mexico

Part Time Lecturer, Universidad de América Latina, Mexico